The Right Managers with the Right Portfolios

Our goal is to help investors succeed financially by applying the right blend of managers and alternative investment strategies that add strength and diversity to their portfolios.
In pursuit of success, we strive to establish a solid working relationship with investors. We want to understand:- The investment goals and risk tolerance of the investor.
- Current portfolio diversification and performance. Where can alternative investments offer opportunities for improved investment results?
- Prior investing experience and specific concerns. What is the level of investment sophistication? Are there investment classes to be avoided? Is cash flow a concern?
- Their areas of expertise and how they can benefit from the experienced input of QMC’s consultants.
QMC then introduces appropriate managers for the investor’s consideration. If a manager is selected by an investor, QMC is compensated for its efforts through a share of the manager’s fees. There is no expense to the investor for our services.
By establishing long-term relationships built on integrity and trust, QMC has been an integral part of investors’ success over the years. Many of the investors we serve have been in a relationship with QMC since our founding, nearly 30 years ago. This is a tradition we are intent upon continuing by:
- Introducing the appropriate managers which are most suitable for the investor’s objectives and preferences;
- Monitoring that managers continue to meet their stated objectives, and
- Introducing replacement managers when appropriate.
Find out how QMC can enhance the quality of your investment portfolio. Contact us today.
Quality Manager Consultants helps family offices, high net worth individuals and institutional investors understand and identify potential alternative investments.